Results 2021

Open Belgian Cup J/80 2021 (4-5/9/21)

We hope you meanwhile have all recovered from the f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c Open Belgian Cup 2021.

A total of 18 J/80 boats crossed the OBC'21 starting line, a new record!

This legendary weekend was filled with great winds, even greater sailing, warm rays of sunshine yet cold beers at the Club des Jeunes bar, and especially nice battles on the water resulting in the following podium:

  1. Team EOS (Jacques Hubert)

  2. Team Sea Jou 2 (Jacques Lemaire)

  3. Team Jaja (Michel Senior)

We congratulate this top 3, and celebrate the participation of all other boats. You make the fleet, the atmosphere and in the end the champions of tomorrow!

A massive thank you to the race committee/jury Michel Couliou & Philippe Godeau, to our KYCN friends for hosting this event, and last but not least to Gerhard Batur for his ever so great capture of these new memories.